Single Mom Unschooling Has Received the Liebster Award!

As someone that’s so new to the blog world, I’m pretty excited about the nomination for the Liebster Award. I’m very appreciative to Unschooling Momma and Poppy for bestowing this distinction, especially since I really admire their site. Thank you!


So, here are the eleven questions they posed and my answers. Enjoy!

  1. What was your purpose in starting your blog? I started my blog because I enjoy writing and I think I have some unique things to say. It’s often cathartic for me because I tend to write personally. I also want my son to see me doing things that I enjoy.
  2. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? I’d live somewhere that’s warm all the time so that I could garden year round.
  3. What is your favorite time of the day? My favorite time of day, at the moment, is morning. This is my time to myself to drink my coffee, do chores and ease into my day.
  4. What do you do when you feel like you have writer’s block? I’m new to writing this blog so I haven’t experienced writer’s block yet. We’ll see what the future holds.
  5. Is there any routine or ritual you have before you begin writing? My routine before writing is to get settled at my desk, light a scented candle, then write out a potential blog post on paper. I’m old-fashioned or this is how my brain works best. Pen to paper flows much easier for me.
  6. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Honestly, my favorite flavor of ice cream is vanilla. I love it for its potential as a blank slate for add-ons and that it goes well with so many other desserts.
  7. Do you have any pets? My son and I have a few pets; three cats, three chickens, two fish, a crested gecko and a fire bellied newt.
  8. Are you a morning person or a night owl? I’ve always been a night owl, preferring to sleep in late and stay up late. Now I get up at 8 am by choice, to have time alone (imperative to an introvert.)
  9. What chore do you procrastinate doing? I procrastinate cleaning the bathroom. Yuck.
  10. What one thing about yourself do you think makes you unique? My brutal honesty. My mother used to use that phrase to describe me but she didn’t mean it in a kind way. I embrace it as a strength however.
  11. What was the last thing you watched on tv? I watched Wild Kratts, with my son, since he’d found an episode that had our gecko in it and wanted to show me.

My nominations are as follows;

  1. The Peaceful Papa
  2. Dadosaurus Rex
  3. A Momma’s View
  4. Salted Raisins
  5. A Typical Son
  6. Thecrazyunschoolingparentofthenorth
  7. A Muddy Life
  8. Child of the Trees
  9. Mothering Gently
  10. A Spark. A Fire.
  11. CarolAnn, Badass Mommy

Go check these people out and give them some internet love. Most have Facebook pages as well if you’d like to like them there too. Do it!

My eleven burning questions for my nominated bloggers are;

  1. What’s one thing you’ve learned from blogging?
  2. Who do you most admire?
  3. What activities do you enjoy?
  4. Favorite place to be?
  5. Where do you do your blogging?
  6. What could be your theme song?
  7. Favorite book and/or video game?
  8. Coffee or tea?
  9. What is your biggest fear?
  10. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  11. What’s your favorite movie?


  1. Unschooling Momma and Poppy · October 14, 2015

    I loved reading your answers. I am an extremely honest person as well. I have learned that while most people say they want to hear the truth in reality they don’t.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mewhoami · October 15, 2015

    I came over from A Mommas View and glad I did. I’ve enjoyed reading your answers and look forward to looking through your posts. Welcome to the blogging community!


    • Melissa · October 15, 2015

      Thank you! I’m glad you liked what you read so far.


  3. Pingback: Sunshine Blogger Award | Single Mom Unschooling

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